Behind The Scenes - Animation Breakdown for the short animated film "I Am With You" directed by Chanel Miller and Emily Moore. Animated by Crankbunny / Norma V. Toraya
"I didn't want to get in the way. Chanel has an amazing visual language and world of characters. What surprised me initially was how sequential her drawings would be. There's a ton of movement already there and most of the time I took the action directly from them. I had so much fun helping bring all this to life." - Crankbunny / Norma V. Toraya
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About "I Am With You"
Directed by Chanel Miller and Emily Moore

In this beautiful animated short that accompanies her book "Know My Name", Chanel Miller reclaims ownership of her identity and her story, which was until recently narrated by nearly everyone except for her. It was an honor to work with the small army that made this short film and for continuing a larger dialogue about sexual assault and the US criminal justice system.
Directed by Chanel Miller and Emily Moore.
Co-Director, Writer, Artist: Chanel Miller
Co-Director, Producer: Emily Moore 
Animator: Crankbunny
Director of Photography: Anna Franquesa-Solano
Editor: Ali Mao // Arcade Edit
Composer: Clarice Jensen
Music Supervisor: Sara Matarazzo // Walker
Sound Design, Mix : Elizabeth McClanahan // Heard City
Live Action Production Company: Emerald Pictures 
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